authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Nicola is a content strategist and UX writer who has managed design teams for global 品牌 such as Facebook, 汇丰银行, 和巴克莱银行.





你会怎样形容你最亲密的朋友? 自信? 深思熟虑的? 机智的? 严重的? 当你很了解一个人,他们的性格就很熟悉. You expect them to behave in specific ways and notice when they act out of character.

成功的 品牌 have personalities, too—distinctive qualities that customers relate to on a personal level. 情感联系 提升品牌忠诚度 并增加客户终身价值.

到目前为止,对品牌来说,这样做是很常见的 创建视觉识别 that codify aesthetic elements such as color, typography, and iconography. 但视觉识别只能说明一半的问题.

成功的品牌在其设计语言中包含语音指导. 为什么? A consistent, reliable 的声音 is crucial to building trust—the bedrock of emotional connection.

例如, 超级的声音 是大胆的, 直接, and passionate—traits well-suited for a global brand focused on efficiency and safety. Shopify, 电子商务巨头, describes itself as “a company built by real people who understand this business and care about helping others succeed.“公司的 的声音 是真实的,积极的,有活力的,有帮助的,并且 Shopify用户体验 感觉就像和一个友好的商业伙伴聊天.


Failure to establish 的声音 guidelines can make user experiences muddled and alienating, 尤其是当公司和产品规模扩大时. 更糟糕的是,没有语音指导的品牌可能很难做到这一点 与客户建立联系.


Voice guidelines tell writers how to express a brand’s personality in product and marketing copy. 虽然语音指南通常与语气指南共存, they aren’t the same thing: Voice is consistent; tone varies according to context.



A 公司的声音 取决于它的客户. 他们的人口结构是什么?? 他们的目标和痛点是什么? 他们怎么说话?? 定性 用户研究方法在这里很有帮助. 仔细研究用户访谈和焦点小组记录. 阅读在线评论 社交媒体 的帖子. 分析客户支持电话.

The point isn’t to always mirror customers’ speech patterns (though this can be a good strategy for some 品牌). The goal is to define the relationship between the brand and its customers. 客户需要经验丰富的顾问吗? 耐心的老师? 志同道合的朋友? 当关系清晰时, 更容易定义一个品牌的个性和, 因此, 自己的声音.


Even without documentation, a company is likely to have a sense of its brand personality. However, it might take some investigating to uncover its true identity.

Start by speaking to founders and senior staff: What are their insights? Review brand values and mission statements: What does the company stand for? If a company’s brand 的声音 doesn’t connect to its values, it won’t feel authentic.

Additionally, review company content such as websites, white papers, and marketing collateral. 突出品牌的独特之处, 抛弃任何可以描述竞争对手的东西.


在调查了客户之后, 利益相关者进行访谈, 查阅公司资料, 是时候用三个简单的练习来写语音指南了.

1. 使用语音矩阵定义语音维度

根据尼尔森诺曼集团的调查,有 四个主要的声音维度:

  • 严肃vs有趣
  • 正式与休闲
  • 恭敬与不敬
  • 实事求是vs .热情

A 的声音 matrix is a way to visualize the degree to which each dimension characterizes a brand. Create a 的声音 matrix, and mark where the brand belongs in relation to each dimension.


2. 把品牌的声音特征描述得像人一样

With 的声音 dimensions defined, explore the brand’s personality further. Use customer and company research findings to compile a list of words and phrases that describe the brand as if it were human. 然后,将相似的单词组合成一个特征. 例如, “transparent, honest, and uncomplicated” could be categorized as “clear.“目标是有三到五个声音特征.

3. 在语音表中组织语音特征及其使用指南

一旦确定了声音特征, add further detail and structure by formatting traits and their descriptions, 还有复制指南, 在语音表中. Copy guidelines are straightforward rules that help writers know how to express 的声音 traits in writing.



Ensure that anyone who writes brand content has access to the 的声音 guidelines. 这可能包括作家, 设计师, agencies, engineers, support teams—anyone who might publish customer-facing content. Make guidelines easy to share, and add them to the brand’s visual guide. 如果有发布内容的审批工作流, 嵌入语音指南以帮助保持一致性.


Even if executives and marketing staff endorse a brand 的声音, customers may find it insincere. Measure the effectiveness of 的声音 guidelines by testing copy on actual customers.

用户访谈和调查提供了最好的见解, especially when they include questions that elicit emotional responses to 品牌 and products. 定量方法, 比如网络分析, reveal less about user perception but show if copy has a measurable impact on the bottom line.

试着每季度回顾一次语音指南,并在必要时进行更新. It’s a good idea to appoint an owner who maintains guidelines for the long term and evaluates soon-to-be-published content for 的声音 consistency. The same person can also determine if legacy content (old blog 的帖子, landing pages, etc.)与公司的声音一致.

Shopify's 的声音 guidelines are embedded in the company's overall design 系统.
Shopify’s 的声音 guidelines are embedded in the company’s overall design 系统.


每个品牌都有自己的声音. Without guidelines, brand communications are bound to be unfocused and unremarkable. Companies with 的声音 guidelines are better equipped for consistent interactions across the ever-expanding spectrum of 客户接触点. Ultimately, it’s consistency that cultivates trust, increases loyalty, and yields lasting engagement.


  • 为什么品牌声音很重要?

    一个公司的品牌声音是它独特的风度和沟通方式. 在很多方面, brand 的声音 represents a company’s personality—those distinctive qualities that customers relate to on an emotional level. Brand 的声音 is important because it helps boost a company’s credibility with its customers.

  • 你如何定义品牌声音?

    定义一个公司的品牌声音始于研究. 公司的使命是什么? 谁是它的客户,他们的需求是什么? After research, the process is iterative: ideation, testing, and refinement. The final step is to document the brand 的声音 in a concise set of guidelines.

  • 什么是品牌价值?

    品牌价值是压倒一切的理想, 的态度, and beliefs that guide a company’s actions—both publicly and behind the scenes. 从通信的角度来看, brand values impact a company’s visual identity and influence all aspects of its customer-facing content.



验证专家 在设计




Nicola is a content strategist and UX writer who has managed design teams for global 品牌 such as Facebook, 汇丰银行, 和巴克莱银行.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.





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