米洛斯·米洛舍维奇(Milos Milosevic),塞尔维亚伏伊伏丁那省帕夫洛夫奇市开发商
Milos is available for hire
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Milos Milosevic

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Toptal Member Since
October 10, 2016

Milos是一个拥有强大LAMP堆栈的全栈专家, JavaScript, 软件架构背景. He is a creative, friendly IT individual focused on using his engineering skills to solve business problems and fulfill project goals and milestones. Milošević对于如何制作优秀的UI有着惊人的直觉, 编写正确分解的代码, 并且渴望开始从事后端项目.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, LAMP, React, Zend Framework, Laravel...
Arbor Education
Linux, Zend Framework, PHP, MySQL, LAMP, Relational Databases, Git, REST APIs...
JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, Laravel, PHP, Full-stack, LAMP, Relational Databases...




Preferred Environment

Homestead, Linux, PhpStorm, Docker

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is an enterprise application that helps elementary and secondary schools to manage their students and staff members.

Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • 构建、指导和培训开发团队.
  • Worked closely with stakeholders and the UI/UX designer on the implementation and design of new features.
  • Built deployment cycles and development processes for the whole application.
  • 实现了TDD、集成和E2E测试.
  • 与开发团队进行一对一的会议.
  • 跟踪团队绩效并向CTO汇报.
  • 实施了一个新的队列系统与全面监控.
  • 对一个多租户遗留后端进行了完全重写.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), JavaScript, LAMP, React, Zend Framework, Laravel, Rancher, SaaS, Multitenancy, MySQL, Relational Databases, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Git, REST APIs, Agile, Team Management, Data Structures, JSON, Scrum, SQLite, Jira, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST, 软件开发管理, RESTful Development, Automated Testing, Architecture, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, Technical Leadership, MVC Design, Symfony, API Platforms, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), 技术项目管理, CI/CD Pipelines, Redis, Writing & Editing, 技术文档, Wikis, Technical Instruction, Documentation, Software Development, PHPUnit

Senior PHP Engineer

2018 - 2019
Arbor Education
  • 为Arbor教育平台开发新功能.
  • 与来自不同国家的多个团队合作.
  • 使用Zend (Laminas)框架和遗留重构.
  • 参与每个sprint的计划和团队目标的制定.
Technologies: Linux, Zend Framework, PHP, MySQL, LAMP, Relational Databases, Git, REST APIs, Agile, Data Structures, JSON, Scrum, Jira, SaaS, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST, RESTful Development, Architecture, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), Redis, Software Development, PHPUnit

IT Consultant

2018 - 2019
  • 支持开发团队完成困难的任务.
  • 作为顾问指导和教育开发团队.
  • 组织培训开发团队的研讨会.
  • 通过识别瓶颈提高团队效率.
  • 帮助开发者设定6个月的目标.
技术:JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, Laravel, PHP, Full-stack, LAMP, Relational Databases, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Git, REST APIs, Agile, Apache, Data Structures, JSON, Scrum, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST, 软件开发管理, RESTful Development, Automated Testing, Architecture, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, Technical Leadership, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), 技术项目管理, CI/CD Pipelines, Redis, Software Development, PHPUnit


2017 - 2018
  • 指导、招募和管理开发团队.
  • Set up workflows and procedures around internal communications and development.
  • 监督和组织开发团队的不同任务.
  • 开发和维护整个Opinodo平台.
  • Implemented continuous deployment, continuous delivery, and continuous integration cycles.
  • 为数据更新和同步创建了CRON作业.
  • 曾担任Opinodo平台的首席架构师.
  • 筛选PHP开发人员职位的候选人.
Technologies: CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, Laravel, PHP, Full-stack, LAMP, Relational Databases, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Git, REST APIs, Agile, Apache, Team Management, Data Structures, JSON, Scrum, SQLite, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST, 软件开发管理, RESTful Development, Automated Testing, Architecture, Software Design, Scalable Architecture, Technical Leadership, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), 技术项目管理, CI/CD Pipelines, Redis, Software Development, PHPUnit


2012 - 2017
Freelance Work
  • 用Bootstrap 3框架制作一个WordPress主题.
  • 用基本的HTML/CSS和JavaScript创建了一个公司网站.
  • Built a website for a sports and recreation center with the Bootstrap 3 framework, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5.
  • Developed a website for a construction company with the Bootstrap 3 framework.
  • Supported other teams in making a platform for students and making RESTful API service, a web application, 还有一个移动应用程序.
  • Created a website and admin panel for a gambling casino using Kohana, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Collaborated with team members in extending features to an existing RESTful API.
  • Made an official website for a software company using Laravel, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • 使用Laravel和LAMP stack开发了一个自由职业者平台.
Technologies: CSS, CSS3, HTML5, HTML, Bootstrap 3, AngularJS, JavaScript, Linux, MySQL, Kohana, Laravel, PHP, Full-stack, LAMP, Relational Databases, Git, REST APIs, Agile, Apache, jQuery, Data Structures, JSON, Python, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST, Architecture, Software Design, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), Redis, Software Development

Software Developer

2016 - 2016
Devana Technologies
  • Created a web application for keeping and maintaining your code snippets.
  • 为公司概述制作了一个公司仪表板应用程序.
  • 与经验不足的年轻开发团队协调工作.
  • Created a basic version of the Slack web application, that handles slow internet connection.
  • Performed integrations of common APIs (Twitter, Trello, Slack, and more).
  • 做了一个RESTful API,可以同时提供web和移动平台.
  • Handled the continuous delivery and continuous integration using Heroku.
  • 使用CRON调用自动同步数据库.
Technologies: CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap 3, AngularJS, JavaScript, MySQL, Laravel, PHP, Full-stack, LAMP, Relational Databases, Git, Apache, jQuery, Data Structures, JSON, APIs, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), REST APIs, REST, 软件开发管理, RESTful Development, Software Design, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), Software Development

Junior Developer

2014 - 2015
  • 使用Laravel和Kohana创建了几个CMS解决方案.
  • 写了一个自定义的PHP插件,并建立了一个博客的模特机构.
  • 工作在网络和移动应用程序的足球投注.
  • Worked on a website and mobile application for buying and selling coupons.
  • Converted a Bootstrap theme to a WordPress theme with additional plugins.
  • Helped to build a couple of different websites using LAMP and JavaScript.
  • 从PSD文件创建HTML/CSS网站模板.
Technologies: CSS, CSS3, HTML5, HTML, AngularJS, JavaScript, MySQL, Kohana, Laravel, PHP, LAMP, Relational Databases, Git, Full-stack, Bootstrap 3, Apache, jQuery, JSON, 面向对象设计(OOD), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), Software Design, MVC Design, Back-end, 面向对象编程(OOP), Software Development


Opinodo is a market research platform that consists of multiple applications. They pick and collect interesting surveys from different market research companies. Based on the demographics of your panelists, we match the right interview with the right person.

Arbor MIS

Arbor MIS is a SaaS application for managing primary and secondary schools from their students to teachers and other staff members. They help schools of all sizes work more easily and collaboratively with intuitive tools designed to make a difference.


Casasoft is a SaaS application for real-estate agents and companies. Casasoft offers a CMS solution that allows you to control all your properties, clients, additional agents, 以及管理你的房地产公司所需要的一切.


E-Student is a platform for universities that connects students with their responsibilities (schedules, courses, grades, 以及更多),使教授之间的交流成为可能, students, and faculty/staff.


Honorarci是一个面向塞尔维亚市场的自由工作平台. You can find any sort of service and you can also promote your work and find employment. The project didn't have a lot of traffic, but it was difficult working with legacy.

Demme Learning

Demme Learning is an independent family-owned and operated publishing company. Each Demme Learning product encourages children to explore and learn side-by-side with an engaged parent. 它是一个具有各种应用程序的重要平台, 包括Demme Learning, Placement Tool, Digital Pack, and Kinder Town.

Company Dashboard

Company Dashboard is a web application that enables employees to see an overview of the company they work in, from team updates and official announcements to the newest tweets with their company name hashtags and their newest subscribed users for a product.

Slack Optimizer

This is a simpler version of the Slack web application and enables you to chat over Slack from a slow internet connection. 如果你在路上使用3G移动连接, Slack Optimizer is your solution to send instant messages to your team.


Kuponizacija是一个买卖优惠券的应用程序. 许多商店都有折扣券, and Kuponizacija enables you to get all the discounts on some available products. 它支持网络,也支持Android和iOS平台.


SmartBets是一个最大化您的投注利润的应用程序. 您可以查看所有主要的足球联赛和比赛, select some matches, and check betting odds and which bookmaker can get you the most profit for the selected ticket.

Color Panda

如果你家里没有打印机, 你想打印一些PDF格式的大书, or you want to make a new batch of your business cards—Color Panda allows you to print any text file or document and delivers it to your home address.


这是一个面向企业主的平台. 如有任何问题或咨询您的业务, 你可以很容易地安排与HelloNina的一位专家的通话, 他们都是有经验的企业主. 你可以问各种各样的问题, 从财务到营销, HelloNina将为您提供所需的顾问.


CSS, PHP, HTML, HTML5, Java, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, SAML, Sass


Bootstrap 3, Laravel, PHPUnit, Lumen, OAuth 2, Kohana, Zend Framework, Homestead, AngularJS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Bulma, Chrome, Bootstrap, Symfony


REST APIs, jQuery, Slack API, Trello API, Vue, React, Google APIs, Twitter API, Facebook API, Vue 2


PhpStorm, Git, Notepad++, Trello, Cron, Vagrant, Apache, Sublime Text 3, Jira, Google Analytics, NGINX, Supervisor


RESTful Development, Agile, Design Patterns, 面向对象设计(OOD), REST, 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), Scrum, 面向对象编程(OOP), Continuous Deployment, Automated Testing, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 持续集成(CI), MVC Design, Microservices架构, 行为驱动发展(BDD), Extreme Programming, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM)


Linux, LAMP, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rancher, Drupal, Heroku


MySQL, JSON, Relational Databases, SQLite, Redis, MySQLi, Memcached


API Integration, Team Management, 软件开发管理, APIs, Data Structures, Full-stack, Web Development, Software Design, Back-end, Software Development, 领域驱动设计(DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, RESTful Services, Multitenancy, Software Architecture, OAuth, Ajax, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Architecture, Technical Leadership, Writing & Editing, 技术文档, Technical Instruction, Documentation, Single Sign-on (SSO), SaaS, Beanstalkd, Enterprise Systems, Programming, Operating Systems, Web Security, IT Project Management, HTML Parsing, Scalable Architecture, Laravel Forge, API Platforms, 技术项目管理, CI/CD Pipelines, Wikis

2020 - 2021



2011 - 2016

Completed Credits towards an Engineer's Degree in Software Engineering

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Belgrade, Serbia


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